Handbook for Minnesota Cities 你对影响明尼苏达州市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台的法律有全面的了解吗.


Learn about the different kinds of local government, 包括城市, 城镇, 县, and special districts such as lake improvement, 特殊服务, soil and water conservation, 分水岭, 学校, regional development commissions, and the Metropolitan Council. 了解地方澳门网络娱乐游戏平台与州澳门网络娱乐游戏平台和联邦澳门网络娱乐游戏平台的关系.

第二章: Change of Boundaries, Status, and Name

Learn the procedures for incorporating, 巩固, 解散城市和兼并的相关程序,同时从一个城市分离并兼并另一个城市. 了解州市政边界调整单位在这些过程中的作用.

第三章: 法定城市

明尼苏达州法律规定了两种基本类型的城市:在法定城市法典下运作的法定城市, and home rule charter cities operating under a local charter. Learn about the organization and general powers of statutory cities, the most common type of city in the state.

第四章: 的 首页 Rule Charter City

Understand the authority to form a home rule charter city, charter city powers and the ways it may be organized. 将特许城市与根据城市法规运营的城市进行对比. 这两大类是明尼苏达州城市组织的两种基本类型.

第五章: 选举程序

Outlines election procedures, 通知, 投票要求, qualifications and training of election judges, and voting and counting procedures. Links to sample forms 和更多的 from the Secretary of State. Also learn about voter residency and eligibility, absentee voting and voter registration; eligibility for city office candidacy, how candidates file and withdraw, campaign finance reporting and fair campaign practices.

第六章: Elected Officials and Council Structure and Role

Understand the council’s role in city governance, including eligibility for office, council powers versus individual councilmember roles, and delegation of council power. 了解市长和办事员的特殊角色,以及独立和咨询委员会和委员会的使用.

第七章: Meetings, Motions, Resolutions, and Ordinances

审查要求市议会在举行会议和公开听证会时必须遵守, such as the Open Meeting Law and its exceptions, taking and publishing minutes, and parliamentary procedure. 学会什么时候使用动作, 决议, 或者是城市事务的条例和每项规定的程序.

第八章: 城市行政人员

Learn about the duties of various city officials, the requirements for qualifying for office, and the problem of incompatible offices.

第九章: Working Conditions for Public Employees

了解《澳门网络娱乐游戏平台》(OSHA)对工人安全所要求的保护, 以及在工伤情况下必须根据国家工人赔偿法提供的雇员福利. 对雇员政治活动的限制和保护也包括在内.

第十章: 城市的许可

Understand the basic concepts in licensing such as city authority, 宪法问题, 优先购买权和费用. Learn about licensed activities such as liquor, 动物, 小贩, 企业, telecommunications 和更多的.

第十一章: 城市监管职能

管理该市各种活动的权力来自州法律. 了解最受城市管制和许可的活动,如合法赌博, 速度限制, 交通违规, 停车规定, 公用事业公司, 宵禁, 闲逛, 露天焚烧, 噪音, 淫秽, 和其他人.

第十二章: Public Safety and Emergency Management

Find out how cities may protect the public safety through regulations, such as adopting and enforcing the State Building Code, and providing services like police, fire protection or ambulance. 学习准备和执行应急功能,以防止, 尽量减少和修复洪水或龙卷风等灾害造成的伤害和破坏.

第十三章: Comprehensive Planning, 土地使用, and City-Owned Land

了解土地使用条例,以建立分区和细分规管, and city land acquisition through dedication, negotiation and eminent domain. 管制和征用是城市土地利用控制的两种基本方法.

第十四章: 社区发展 and Redevelopment

了解城市建立商业补贴标准的要求,以及城市可能创建的各种发展机构. 查找鼓励发展和再开发的州和联邦资助项目的概述. Most economic development tools can be applied to any size city. 这些工具是相互关联的,一个城市可能会在一个项目中使用几种工具.

第十五章: 环境法规

Find out about the most significant environmental regulations, many required by state law and rules, 你们有机会通过保护本州水域来帮助保护和改善你们城市的自然澳门网络娱乐游戏平台, 水的质量, 观察管道安全, 调整农药, 和更多的. 在考虑实施时,将这些信息与您在社区发展方面的努力联系起来.

第十六章: Intergovernmental Cooperation

了解城市的权力和程序,以促进澳门网络娱乐游戏平台之间的合作,如承包, 联合权力法案, land use planning and regional development, 市治外法权,并在地方澳门网络娱乐游戏平台协会与其他人联合. 对于责任复杂、澳门网络娱乐游戏平台不断减少的城市来说,合作能起到更大的作用.

第十七章: 责任 

了解城市面临的诉讼,以及限制责任的州法规和司法决定. Addresses tort liability of cities, 军官, and employees; statutory immunities; exceptions and limits to liability; and special causes of action, such as civil rights and antitrust.

第十八章: 保险及损失控制

保险帮助支付合法的索赔,并在无法律依据的索赔提出时提供辩护. Learn about basic and specialty insurance coverage, fidelity and faithful performance bonds, 保险来源, 和更多的. 了解损失控制措施——分析和应对危险的持续过程——如何降低发生伤害和索赔的可能性.

第十九章: 收入来源

了解城市在制定和实施城市预算时可以考虑的主要收入来源. Examples include state aid programs, 城市服务收费, 牌照及许可证费用, 投资收入, 市企业基金, 税, 街道和高速公路资金, 还有借款选择.

第20章: 市政预算

了解城市预算作为工作计划和沟通工具的特点. Understand the budget cycle and structures, 城市收入的来源, typical expenditure categories, and planning for multiple-year expenditures, 像基础设施, with a separate capital budget. Become aware of how GASB and Truth in Taxation impact budgeting.

21章 物业税征费

了解城市的税收权力和财产税过程的作用. 了解财产税的流程,包括评估、估价和财产分类. 阅读征费限额, tax notification procedures (Truth in Taxation), 对农村保护用地等特殊类别的土地实行税收差别待遇, 特殊服务区, and taxing annexed or consolidated lands.

22章 支出, Purchasing, and Contracts

了解管理公共资金支出的州法律,如竞争性招标要求, best value and emergency contracting, 建筑合同, 与其他澳门网络娱乐游戏平台机构签订合同并购买顾问服务. 获得有关城市官方禁止在城市合同中拥有个人经济利益的指导.

23章 债务与借贷

查找有关债务和借款的法律方面的信息,例如管理债券的法律, 偿债基金, and the impact of federal law. 也请阅读有关资本融资项目管理的实用建议以及该过程实际如何运作的描述.

24章 Financing Public Improvements

阅读常用和授权的城市融资工具,为地方改善和经济发展提供资金. Includes discussion on issuing debt, 储备基金, improvement and 特殊服务区, fees and connection charges, and state and federal road and bridge funding sources, 等.

25章 Financial Reports, Accounting, and Auditing

查找城市必须执行的日常财务任务和职责的基本信息,例如在会计中使用资金, internal control procedures, financial reporting requirements, federal and state auditing requirements and how to use them effectively, depositories and investment of city funds, 城市破产.

26章 记录管理

Defines public records and outlines records management issues, 包括创建, 保留, and destruction of records, public inspection of records, 还有隐私权. 了解电子邮件、短信、网站等电子记录的管理概念. Learn about metadata, security, backups, and disaster recovery.